- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月24日 05时29分34秒
From Odoo Version 10 onwards, a mobile app is introduced to access all the Odoo apps , even the custom modules also. None [1] web_mobile.rpc establish ......
From Odoo Version 10 onwards, a mobile app is introduced to access all the Odoo apps , even the custom modules also.
web_mobile.rpc establishes the connection between your mobile device and Odoo Javascript. Mobile RPC provides a list of utilities. In the image above, we use the Vibrate method to constantly vibrate for a specified amount of time.
Mobile Utilities Example;
1. mobile.methods.showToast({'message': 'Message sent'});
In the example above, we used the showToast method to display a toast in our mobile app.
2. mobile.methods.showSnackBar({'message': 'Message is deleted', 'btn_text': 'Undo'})
Snackbars display short messages at the bottom of your mobile screen.
3. mobile.showNotification({'title': 'Simple Notification', 'message': 'This is a test for a simple notification'})
The ShowNotification method can be used to display notifications on the mobile app.
4.var contact = { 'name': 'Michel Fletcher', 'mobile': '9999999999', 'phone': '7954856587', 'fax': '765898745', 'email': 'michel.fletcher@agrolait.example.com', 'website': 'http://www.agrolait.com', 'street': '69 rue de Namur', 'street2': false, 'country_id': [21, 'Belgium'], 'state_id': false, 'city': 'Wavre', 'zip': '1300', 'parent_id': [8, 'Agrolait'], 'function': 'Analyst', 'image': '<<BASE 64 Image Data>>'}
addContact can be used to create a new contact on mobile.
. mobile.methods.scanBarcode()
scanBarcode method can be used to scan QR codes.
switchAccount method can be used to switch from one account to another on the device.
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